Researcher Viviane Boaventura is a new member of the Academy of Sciences of Bahia – Instituto Gonçalo Moniz

Researcher Viviane Boaventura is a new member of the Academy of Sciences of Bahia – Instituto Gonçalo Moniz

Fuecruz Bahia researcher, Vivian Sampaio Boaventura, is a new member of the Bahia Academy of Sciences (ACB), who was sworn in at a ceremony at the Instituto Gonzalo Muñiz (Fiucruz Bahia), on March 8. Along with Vivian, three full members and one junior member were selected for the event: Miran Muñiz da Costa Vargenes; Leonardo Senna Gomez Teixeira; Sheila Maria Alvim de Matos and Leo Magno Santos de Souza.

The ceremony was attended by the Director of the Federal University of Bahia, Paulo Miguez. Fiocruz Bahia Director, Marilda Gonçalves; and Director of the Research Support Foundation of the State of Bahia (Fapesb), Anderson Litt. Mara Souza was represented by Secretary of State for Science and Technology Andrej Juazeiro.

At the opening table of the event, Marilda Gonçalves thanked her for the honor of hosting the ceremony in the Fiocruz Bahia Hall, and congratulated the new academics, especially Vivian, noting the importance of discussing scientific developments after the difficult period that science went through in Brazil. “I am sure that you will contribute greatly to raising the level of science in our country,” declared Marilda.

According to ACB President Manuel Barral Neto, also a researcher at Fiocruz Bahia, the ceremony was held on International Women’s Day, to highlight the role of women in science, especially with the inauguration of new academics. This is the first time that the Academy has had a new female-majority ticket group, with three of the four full members being women. “It is also important to point out that the Board of Directors and the current Board of the Academy enjoy equality between men and women in their composition, and this is evidence of interest in correcting the gender issue,” Barral explained.

The importance of a female presence in science was an important point for Vivian when she took over her position at ACB, in recognition of the symbolism of the ceremony held on International Women’s Day. “After more than a century of demonstrations by Russian weavers in search of equality, we are still here looking for bread and peace, which were their aspirations at the time.” Working in academia as a woman follows this path of building scientific bricks to help create that bridge in the pursuit of equality between gender,” said the researcher, viewing this challenge as a call to action in science more and more as a tool for social transformation.

About the researcher

Vivian Boaventura is a researcher at the Gonçalo Muñiz Institute and Associate Professor of Immunology at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) Medical School. Graduated in Medicine at UFBA, Specialization in Otolaryngology at Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Bahia, Master and Doctorate in Pathology from UFBA / Fiocruz Bahia. He has experience in the field of medicine and immunology for infectious diseases, in the following topics: immunology, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases transmitted by disease vectors. Currently, he is developing work on COVID-19, on clinical topics, digital health and vaccine efficacy.

By Andrea Hargraves

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