Originally released in 2019, Borderlands 3 The audience was so pleased that it was a worthy sequel Border 2 that went out to generation Xbox 360 And Play station 3 on September 18, 2012.
Recently, new information indicates that a file take twoSuddenly, suddenly, suddenly 2 K Game Developer – Decided to let people from different platforms play the title together.
. profiles Twitter Like the Xbox originals Comment on this version. You can check out the post below:
during the event Pax East 2022a Motion vector announce when Borderlands 3 You will receive full support via gameplay. The company confirmed that the feature will arrive with full support for all supported platforms in late fall.
The appeal has been somewhat delayed in Play Station After discussion and no agreement between Sony and the Motion vector – But in the end everything worked out and everyone would be able to meet in the rooms and organize matches.
The CROSGEN The possibility of playing in different generations, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series, has been confirmed, and it will arrive alongside the previously mentioned feature.
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