On Thursday, April 15, rapper Moha La Scoule was remanded in custody for six months under electronic surveillance for refusing to comply, insult and rebellion during a police raid in Paris last year.
During the March 18 trial, the prosecutor demanded ten months’ house arrest under electronic surveillance against the Paris rapper. At the age of 25, a Paris criminal court sentenced three police officers to fines of 400 to 500 euros for bringing civil action.
Research Order
During a routine roadside check in June 2020, police who conducted the check noticed that the rapper (Mohamed Bellam’s real name) was subject to a search warrant for a bad denial.
The previous month, he had been caught during a motorcycle rodeo in the streets of the capital, but managed to escape from police.
In the videos of his arrest, which were posted on social media, we hear the rapper being caught by three police officers, while agents try to handcuff him while shouting insults.
Preliminary investigation into violence and sexual abuse
During an interrogation in March, Moha La Squall explained that he was “Sorry” He maintained that he did not want to “Speak badly about the police”.
The rapper, who is currently abroad, is under initial investigation into violence, abduction and sexual abuse against several of his former comrades, according to the lawyer who represented him.
Moha La Squall is one of the biggest revelations of 2018, the author of the first album, Pentero, Acclaimed by the public (Gold Record, over 50,000 copies sold) and by critics.