-I’m not even sure if I want to run against Biden. “I think he’s going to have a Lyndon Johnson moment and step down,” says professor and presidential candidate Cornel West POLITICO.
We have to go back to 1968 to explain the West’s trick.
Then-President Lyndon Johnson was the leading candidate for the Democrats during the primaries. But after narrowly winning New Hampshire, he shocked America when he resigned from his position as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate in a speech.
Shocked the world: Then-President Lyndon Johnson withdrew his candidacy for the presidency in March 1968, during a speech that shook the United States. Photo: AP/NTB
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– We’re running out
This is exactly what the West expects to happen to the current President of the Democrats and the main candidate, Joe Biden. West believes that even he will have to run against what he calls the “B Team” of young Democratic candidates.
The names he mentioned next were California Governor Gavin Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Shooting: Professor and presidential candidate Cornel West. Photo: AP/NTB
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West explains:
– I’m just saying that I’m open to these possibilities, given that the situation is very fluid. “We’re about to run out of gas,” West says of Biden.
For the record: Newsom has publicly endorsed Biden and said he will not run against him. Biden did not respond to Politico’s inquiries.
West is a well-known black philosopher and author in the United States, and a former professor at both Harvard and Princeton universities. He is running in the presidential elections scheduled for next year in the United States on behalf of the left-wing People’s Party.
Trump’s message
Earlier in December, Trump stated that he also did not believe Biden would be the Democrats’ final nominee.
– Personally, I do not think he will reach the elections next year. I think he is in bad physical condition. “Mentally, I think it’s just as bad, maybe worse,” Trump said during a public meeting in Iowa that was broadcast live. Fox News December 6.

Trump: I don’t think Biden will succeed
Johnson chose to retire in 1968 for many reasons, but his personal health was a major factor, he says. Texas Monthly.
But he himself was also unsure whether he would be able to win re-election, according to the report Washington Post. Johnson, who took office after the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, won in a landslide in 1964, but lost much support because of the Vietnam War.
The 1968 election ultimately came down to a duel between Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon. The latter won the Republican elections.
Won: Republican Richard Nixon won the election in 1968. Photo: AP/NTB
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Harsh words
Back to West, who in no way endorses Trump or Biden and says his coalition is made up of young voters and disaffected voters who don’t feel strong support for either party.
West says the bulk of this election campaign is about trying to reach the 38% who don’t vote at all.

Rest of the live broadcast: – Shut up
He refers to Trump as “a real gangster and a neo-fascist who could lead the country into civil war,” while describing Biden as a “militarily adventurous neoliberal who may lead the world toward World War III.”
The Trump campaign responded in the usual manner:
Cornel West should return to the liberal academic world instead of politics. Trump spokesman Stephen Cheung wrote to the site that he had not yet graduated from the children’s table.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”