During tonight’s Eurovision final, Ukrainian artists came asking for help from the stage. A little later, the Icelanders continued.

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The rules of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) are clear: there is no place for political messages in Eurovision, neither in songs nor on stage. However, Oleh Psiuk, the leader of the Ukrainian Kalush Orchestra, failed to seek help after his performance tonight.
– Please help Ukraine and Mariupol. The only thing I ask of you is to help Ukraine and Mariupol, said Psiuk, after performing Stefania’s contribution.
Ukraine is the top candidate this year and was the 12th artist on the stage. In the press center there was a rhythmic applause and a good atmosphere during the song which is a rap song with folk music.
It’s a well-established tradition that the winner will host next year’s competition, and there has been much speculation about what will happen if war-torn Ukraine is torn apart.
– If that ends with us winning, then next year’s Eurovision final will take place in the happy, whole, and beautiful new Ukraine. Making this happen is both possible and very important,” Pesiuk told Aftenposten earlier this week.
The Icelandic group Systur also opted to deviate from EBU regulations when they shouted “Peace to Ukraine!” before leaving the stage.
EBU: – I understand the feelings
Entrants who violate the regulations may be disqualified from the competition. But so far it does not appear that the European Broadcasting Union will take such a step.
“We understand the deep feelings surrounding Ukraine at the moment and consider the comments of the Kalush Orchestra and other artists expressing their support for the Ukrainian people as being of a humanitarian rather than political nature,” the European Broadcasting Union said. VG.
Excellent farmers
As the artist number seven, Subwoolfer was on stage at the Eurovision final on Saturday. Norway ranks eighth on the lists of gaming companies and has now overtaken Greece.
Subwoolfer gets the highest rating from Morten Westgaard, who reports from Torino for Eurovision Norway.
They did well in trials, jury shows, and the semi-finals, but that was seventh gear. I, and the rest of Norway, have every reason to be proud, he tells NTB.
The band itself was happy too.
– That was delicious! Great hall with very nice earthlings who knew our whole song! Jim was really surprised, and Keith was bursting with joy. Torino has been pretty cool so far. DJ Astronaut is a little hot and wants a fan, they say via the NRK Press Team.
Fierce extraterrestrial performance! Anything can happen tonight! Subwoolfer and Team Norway have delivered the goods, so we’ll see if Europe is united on the notes, says Stig Karlsen, head of the NRK delegation.
Several Norwegians were watching the catwalk in Turin tonight. The first artist to come out on Saturday was We Are Domi which has two Norwegian and Czech members. Greece has the Norwegian-Greek Amanda Tenfjord.
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