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Path forward. Luciana Abreu leaves a guarantee: “I am ready to embrace you” – Nacional

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Luciana Abreu had a busy year in 2023. The singer had to overcome some health problems that weakened her, and she entered into a controversial relationship with João Moura Caetano, with whom she ended up breaking up after discovering what she did not want.

Lucy has been on the lips of half the world for all the misadventures surrounding her publicized romance with a bullfighter, from whom she expected so much… but ended up disappointed after discovering that he didn't just have eyes for her.

But life ahead. A motto that Luciana learned since she was young, the living woman was sometimes a stepmother to the actress and singer. But she is ready not to give up. For love and your art. “The last concert of 2023 or the first concert of 2024. After more than 20 I have covered thousands of kilometers with the 2023 Los Angeles Tour, and we are ready for the 2024 Tour, which will be the most special ever as I celebrate 25 years of my career. It will be a different tour, where I will perform (yes, I will not imitate, I will just perform) great classics,” Luciana confirms.

Thank you to those who hire me, thank you to my extraordinary team, thank you to my beloved fans, thank you to my family, thank you to all those who, in some way, love me well. 2024 I’m ready to hug you,” he wrote on social media, sharing a video showing a look that would make Jennifer Lopez or Beyoncé jealous.

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