“They support traditional human rights abuses for their own benefit,” said a report on the Korindo Group, the Korean palm oil giant. BBC.
The BBC earlier revealed that the palm oil giant has bought large parts of Asia’s largest remaining rainforest, in the remote Indonesian province of Papua.
The visual analysis allegedly shows that the forest was intentionally set on fire.

– This is madness
Palm oil production is one of the main reasons for the destruction of the rainforests and peat bogs in Indonesia.
This leads to greenhouse gas emissions, loss of biodiversity, and people losing access to the land and natural resources on which they live, according to the Rainforest Fund.
Korindo Group has now been denied sustainability verification from the world’s leading green certification body, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), following the BBC’s announcement.
FSC is an international non-profit organization that promotes responsible management of the world’s forests, and requires certified companies to comply Principles and rules.
Destroyed 30 thousand hectares
An FSC report from 2018 states that the Korindo palm oil operation destroyed 30,000 hectares of high conservation forest, in violation of FSC regulations.
They say the relationship has become unbearable. As a result, Korindo’s trademark licenses with the FSC will expire from October.
“We were unable to verify improvements in Korindo’s social and environmental performance,” Kim Carstensen, FSC’s international general manager, told the channel.
The palm oil company cleared nearly 60,000 acres of forest, an area the size of Chicago or Seoul.
The Korindo group vehemently denies it has started arson or has been involved in human rights abuses and says it follows the law.
New land will be cleared
2015 was a disastrous year for the rainforests in Indonesia, and massive fires destroyed large swaths of forest. Climate emissions from fires must have been at their worst like the store as the daily emissions from all fossil fuel uses and other economic activities in the United States.
Wildfires are often lit by farmers and agricultural companies who want to clear new land.
Palm oil is associated with violent deforestation in Southeast Asia. From 2000 to 2016, Indonesia doubled its production fivefold, from 7 million tons to nearly 35 million tons, according to the Rainforest chest.
If emissions from fires and deforestation are taken into account, Indonesia is one of the countries in the world with the largest greenhouse gas emissions. However, most emissions come from deforestation and fires, NTB writes.
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