a Pages It offers you many tools to customize your text documents. Some of them even showed how to use them here MacMagazine.
Well, today we’re going to show you how you can change the margins of the files you’ve created there – which can depend a lot on the type of file you want, like a school project with ABNT standards, for example.
Here’s how to do it in the app for iPhones/iPads or Macs, or on the web via the iCloud website!
How to Change Margins in Pages on iPhone/iPad
Open Pages and select the desired document. Next, press the button with three dots (at the top) and go to Document Setup. With the Document tab open, scroll to the bottom of the page and click More Options.
Finally, drag the double arrows at the top, bottom, and sides of the document to set the margins you want to use. When you are satisfied, click OK (in the upper left corner).
How to change margins in Pages on Mac
Open the desired document in Pages on Mac, and click “Document” (in the upper right corner). On the Document tab, choose Margins in the section of the same name.
How to change margins in Pages for the web
open the iCloud website In the browser of your choice and sign in with your Apple ID. Then click on “Pages” and open the desired document.
Click the button in the upper right corner and on the Document tab, use the controls in the Document Margins area to make your selection.
Pretty easy, isn’t it? 👨💻