Fee is not a word that brings good feelings, because it is usually associated with additional payments that do not satisfy those who are obligated to pay them. Not even the big companies where money isn’t necessarily an issue.
Consequently, brands Nvidia, Zotac and HP are now calling for a suspension of graphics card import duties.
Nvidia, Zotac and HP want to end GPU import fees
Nvidia, HP, Zotac and other similar companies Asks To the Government of the United States of America to exempt fee cards and other electronic equipment imported from China from import tax at the rate of 25%. These fees increase the prices of technology products shipped abroad and into North American markets.
This rate is caused by the trade war between the United States and China. However, the companies accuse China of wanting to control the raw materials, manufacturing process and logistics. Data released last year indicated that 85% of all minerals extracted would need to pass through China in the manufacturing process. As a result, this pass increased the cost of raw materials once the tax was applied.
a ZOTAC He added that efforts to transfer production capacity in Taiwan are hampered by China's control of a large part of its production of raw materials.
In turn, the HP Confirmed China's current reliance on the semiconductor industry, namely in the later stages of chip manufacturing, in the testing stages and in labor-intensive tasks, with the advantage of low-cost labor in the Asian country.
In comments to the USTR (United States Commercial Representative Office), the nvidia He added that the current trend in global product shipping methods is also a cause for concern.
The US Trade Representative's office said it would evaluate each application. The standards will look at whether a particular product is still only available in China, or whether exclusion would result in serious economic harm to competing businesses or US interests, which include affecting small businesses, jobs, industrial production and the essential supply network.