Nothing can be considered a new product

nothing phone

nothing phone

Nothing has invested heavily in new products for the market, and after the launch of the first smartphone, it can now also launch a new accessory.

According to recent rumors, nothing is preparing to reveal a new generation of earphones, which will focus on providing a new experience to users.

from your channel YoutubeThe company has revealed a new video titled “What’s after the phone (1)?” , giving the clear impression that the company is already preparing for more news.

The video begins with Tom Howard, Design Director at Nothing, who points out a device hidden in the video, which is purported to be the new product the company will introduce.

Although unclear what it is, the CEO notes in his sentences that “this is not the ear(1)”, which clearly indicates that it could be a new generation of earphones. This video seems to give more strength to the recent rumors that the company will be preparing the brand’s new earphones.

Obviously, even with the video, this video doesn’t show exactly what to expect. Therefore, all information known to date is based only on rumors, and may change over time.

By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."