NASA Rover reveals ‘something no one’s seen before’ inside a rock on Mars (PHOTOS)
NASA Rover reveals ‘something no one’s seen before’ inside a rock on Mars (PHOTOS)
NASA’s Perseverance rover has begun to explore a series of rocks that formed in layers in the Martian crater Jezero, which may have formed in the water … 11.11.2021, Sputnik Brazil
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2021-11-14T23: 31-0300
2021-11-14T23: 31-0300
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space probe
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After disconnecting from the Internet for several weeks, the device reconnected on October 25, and returned to search for signs of ancient life on the Red Planet. Since that date, Perseverance has been looking at some of the rocky outcrops in southern Sittah – an area of Jezero crater that is of interest to the NASA team of scientists. The rover has a scraper on its robotic arm that can scrape rock layers to examine a variety of minerals and granular sediments from within. According to the scientists responsible for the mission, this discovery could have many explanations, but they are still not sure what it could be, as they look inside to see something no one has seen before. A small part of this rock has been eroded to remove the surface layer and see what’s underneath. My next goal was to collect samples from Mars. The mineral content of the rocks at Jezero Crater, which was once the site of a lake 3.7 billion years ago, acts like an ancient, airtight time capsule, according to CNN. The minerals can give researchers information about how the rocks formed and what the climate was like at the time.
NASA, space, Earth, Mars, space probe, space mission
NASA’s Perseverance rover has begun exploring a series of layered rocks in Mars’ Jezero Crater, which may have formed in liquid water.
Get a load of these classes! I’ll take out the scraping tool to take a look inside.
Layered rocks like these often form in water, and they can hold clues about what their environment was like. Let’s see if this would be another good place for #SamplingMars.
– NASA Perseverance on Mars (@NASAPersevere) November 4, 2021
“Bloose rocks like this often form in the water, and may hold clues to what their environment looked like. Let’s see if this is a good place to be.” [coletar] Samples from Mars,” reads a message on the rover’s Twitter page.
After cutting up those rocks, the rover sent back images showing what lay beneath the outer layer: what appeared to be a variety of grainy minerals and sediments.
According to the scientists responsible for the mission, this discovery could have several explanations, but they are still not sure what it could be.
Looking inside to see something no one had seen before. A small part of this rock has been eroded to remove the surface layer and see what’s underneath. My next goal is to collect samples from Mars.
The minerals can provide researchers with information about how the rocks formed and what the climate was like at the time.
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