Minas Gerais investigates another suspected case of human rabies | Minas Gerais

Minas Gerais investigates another suspected case of human rabies |  Minas Gerais

The new investigation concerns an 11-year-old boy. According to SES, it was reported on Thursday (21). The girl “presented non-specific symptoms such as fever, headache, and Because of the kinship with the second confirmed case, the suspicion has been reported“.

However, according to the secretary, she was sent to the hospital, where laboratory samples were collected. The patient was still in the hospital, this morning, in a stable condition and under observation.

The other case investigated involved a 5-year-old child who died on day 17. Although no clinical symptoms of rabies appeared, it was decided to investigate the death due to the geographical proximity of the facts. Samples were collected and sent for laboratory examination, awaiting the result.

The first confirmed case is Zelton Maxacali, 12 years old. AndHe could not resist the disease and died on April 4. About ten days ago, he was bitten by a bat.

The second confirmation was confirmed this week. This is a 12-year-old girl, also Aboriginal. She was hospitalized at the Joao Paulo II Children’s Hospital in the Central District of Belo Horizonte.

The Department of Emergency Services also reported that after being notified of the first suspected case, several actions were taken. One of them was the start of a campaign against rabies in dogs and cats in the city, on the sixth of this month, with the aim of preventing the disease.

Pre-exposure vaccination surveillance is also conducted for all rural residents, out of about 1,100 residents.

In addition, teams from the Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária (IMA) are carrying out field work to verify the presence or reports of animal deaths with neurological clinical signs. It is also in contact with rural producers to inform them of rabies prevention methods.

“SES-MG highlights the importance of searching for the nearest health unit to assess the need to adopt preventive measures (vaccine and administering serum) in the event of any accident with wild mammals, especially bats, as well as dogs, cats and cats,” the agency said.

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By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."