Today 14/4 celebrates World Coffee Day. Cereals are of great economic importance to the country, which is one of the largest producers in the country. according to a survey Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of the State of Minas Gerais (Emater-MG)There are more than 1.33 million hectares of area dedicated to coffee plantations in Minas Gerais.
The variety of flavors and aromas of Minas Gerais production has been increased by the many scientific researches conducted in the state, most of which are supported by fapig. Over the past five years, more than R$4.1 million has been invested in projects focused on coffee and its production chain.
In celebration of this date, April’s Fapemig Live theme will be “Coffee and Science: Flavors and Innovations.” Three experts are invited for the conversation: Professor at the Federal University of Lavras (Ufla) and Coordinator of the National Institute of Coffee Science and Technology (INCT / Café), Mario Resende, Researcher at Embrapa Café and Collaborator at the Geoprocessing Laboratory of Epamig and Helena Alves, Professor of Ufla and Member of INCT / Café Whasley Duarte .
The conversation will take place on Fapemig’s Instagram profile (@fapemig) on Tuesday, 4/18, at 3pm. The proposal is to talk about the characteristics and potential of the product grown in Minas, the contributions of science to innovations in the production chain and destinations beyond the cup.
Inquiries can be sent to call us.