The Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), through the Secretariat for Strategic Policy and Programs (SEPPE), met on Friday (24) with representatives from the UK’s Department of Net Zero, Nuclear and International (DESNZ), to present the actions that have been developed in the area of climate and sustainability. The climate modeling topic focuses on adaptation, the information of which can support NDC implementation strategies and in the long term, it can be a point of collaboration between institutions.
DESNZ’s Director General, Lee McDonough, and her delegation were greeted by the Deputy Secretary of SEPPE, Fabio Larotonda, and the General Coordinator for Climate and Sustainability, Marcio Rojas.
The coordinator presented key initiatives in the field of climate to provide robust and reliable scientific and technical information for decision making. Among the main actions is the preparation of Brazil’s national communication for the climate agreement. “It’s one of the key exercises and very relevant given the portfolio’s neutrality on the subject, as the MCTI is not tied to sectoral mitigation targets,” Rojas explained.
The department also works with the academic community and has the support of Rede Clima (Brazilian Research Network on Global Climate Change), which includes about 150 scientists and aims to promote knowledge generation and scientific and technological progress. in the field of climate change.
Rojas also introduced the National Emissions Recording System (Sirene), which also displays the emissions profile of all federal units; the National Simulator for Sectoral Policies and Emissions (Sinapse), which is responsible for designing mitigation scenarios; and the platform adaptation to Brazil, which provides information on climate risks for all Brazilian municipalities. “The AdaptaBrasil exercise is a challenge for us, as there is nothing comparable internationally,” said Rojas.
McDonough, who took over in November 2022, is responsible for the delivery and implementation of the UK’s Net Zero programme, as well as leading international climate policy. Created in February 2023 from the refurbishment of the UK Prime Minister’s new office, DESNZ focuses on the energy portfolio of the former Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Among the new missions is to take advantage of net zero opportunities to lead the world in new green industries. “It’s amazing. I’m really impressed,” McDonough expressed during the meeting about the projects presented.
See event photos in this link.