Since becoming the mother of little Cayetana in April 2021, Marta Rangel She used social networks to share the challenges of motherhood. In one of her most recent releases, the former post on Married at first sight She left a rant about a recent episode with her daughter.
“I slapped Cayetana and I felt like the worst person in the world. I slapped Cayetana and I immediately regretted it. I slapped Cayetana and I burst into tears, apologized, hugged her, gave her lots of kisses, explained that what my mom had done was wrong and promised never to do it again.”And I started writing.
Then the journalist mentioned that it was “completely reckless act”And After the girl has “Bite four or five times in a row.”.
But it is neither an excuse nor a justification. I neither agree nor condone my first “educational slapping” and have reconsidered everything I believe inconfirmed.When I’m the adult in the relationship, I’m the one who has to learn to regulate my feelings to help her regulate hers.” added.
In this way, Marta Rangel decided to do some research on how to act in such a situation and shared some tips with her followers. “1. Try to anticipate the behavior (i.e., before they bite or strike); 2. Give alternatives. Anything else to bite (eg a teether) or hit (eg a pillow) and explain: ‘If a mummy bites, it will hurt a mummy. rather bite here ‘; 3. Try to understand any unmet need. At these ages, emotional outbursts are typical because they still do not know how to express what they feel, nor do they have the ability to self-regulate (i.e. deal with their emotions)”He said.
Remember, Marta Rangel was one of the participants in the second season of Married at first sight. On the SIC program, the journalist exchanged rings with Luis SantosHowever, the relationship ended in failure.