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HomeentertainmentMarina Mota continues the SIC attack and leaves nothing unsaid - Nacional

Marina Mota continues the SIC attack and leaves nothing unsaid – Nacional

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Marina Mota was harmed by SIC, She accused the channel of not recognizing his talent.

When Marina was asked on RFM, under the headline “Cara Podre”, whether she thought it was “unfair not to win a Golden Globe”, Marina did not hide her disappointment towards SIC.

“It’s a doll I’ll never take home with me,” he began. “Story of my life. It’s been hard to bring cute dolls home the past few years.”

“I’ve been at that station leading crowds for over a decade. And in 40 years, I have never been able to do a single worthy jobIn other words, I don’t have enough talent to win a Golden Globe. Why does it have to be now?” he lamented.

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Marina Mota was nominated for Best Actress for her performance in “Motel Valkirias” alongside Sarah Matos. (who played triplets in “Sangue Oculto”) and Bárbara Branco (“Flor sem Tempo”), but ended up losing the award to Sarah.

After announcing the winner Many netizens were outraged by the choice of Sarah Matos. On X, formerly Twitter, comments could be read: “Sarah Matos winning a Golden Globe while Marina Mota is nominated can only be a joke”; “I didn’t like that Sarah Matos won Best Actress”; “Will Sarah Matos win? Marina Mota’s performance alone is worth Sarah’s entire career, anyway.”

Despite the controversy, the two actresses seem to be friends. in the beginning of the year, Sarah even made a statement to Marina Mota on her Instagram. “I love this woman”he wrote.

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