Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 300 companies have announced that they will abandon the Russian market, close stores and stop their activities in the country. However, there are companies that decided to continue in this market.
Yale University, a private American institution of higher education, identified dozens of companies with particularly high exposure to the Russian market. So they decided to prepare a file existing With companies that have departed and are still active in Russia, this list is updated daily by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his research team at the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute.
Herbalife, for example, has not yet made a decision to leave the country and has 3% of its revenue from the Russian market, which represents about 135 billion euros of the company’s turnover. This market also represents a large revenue segment for Mondelez, which has not yet decided to leave Russia, which accounts for 3.5% of its revenue, with a value of more than 900 billion euros.
Hotel chains Hilton (29 hotels), Intercontinental (26 hotels), Accor (55 hotels) and Marriott (10 hotels) are still open in Russia, with no intention of leaving this market.
3M currently has about 600 employees working in Russia and has not made any decision to leave the country, like Grupo Bimbo or Whirlpool.
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