Maja Bohochivich shared important information with her fans on social media. It turns out that the actress has been battling FOMO civilization for years. Shortly after the baby was born, within two weeks of its birth, the star burst into tears. Maja Bohochivich revealed what it is like to fight this increasingly frequent disease.
Personally, Sonia Bohoshevich’s sister, Maja Bohoshevich, shared important information on social media. The 30-year-old actress has been battling Fomo civilization for years, meaning “fear of disappearing”, which manifests itself in fear of missing something, which is why we constantly control everything, e.g. From the phone. “Ever since I gave birth to my first child, i.e. 5 years old, I am still wondering where I can escape, and feel more and more rushed. I’m sitting blindfolded, pretending the sun has already set, even though it’s 8:00 pm, now I know FOMO and I know it’s my time to meet a new man and I need peace, house and bed for this time, “Maja Bohozevich agreed.
Below the rest of the article.
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Also, Maja Bohocievich writes: “The eternal chase of something to happen, I did not allow myself to be satisfied with where I am at this time. I always wanted to be on the other side of the door. Has anything changed?” I am learning that I am not in the competition for the most interesting life in the world. Although sometimes I feel like looking at a soft egg by my side, now there is a dinner somewhere on the mountain, a meal at the swimming pool or a feast of champagne. The grass in the neighborhood is always green. “Despite criticisms accusing the star of being the only celebrity to excel on social media, a wave of support began in the comments.
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