Luciana Abro On Friday morning, January 28, he was talking to Diana Chavez e Joao Baiao In a program SIC happy home – The video that you can watch here And it ended up revealing the twins the love e St. Valentine’s day.
I don’t change names, I change girls. And with ease… they are already playing it themselves. They take advantage of the situation and change their identity.”He said and the presenter asked: But there is a mark that distinguishes them. or not? “.
“There. When one wears a pacifier, we know it’s Valentine’s Day, because Amour sucks her fingers like AC/DC, rockers”answered.
“Valentine has about 18 pacifiers. When one of them disappears, or she intentionally hides it because she doesn’t want to sleep and makes us turn the room inside out, because it’s that pacifier she chooses to sleep in”he added.
Luciana Abreu shows off a special moment with her twin daughters
Finally, Luciana Abreu revealed that she did it Cameras all over the house: “When they fail, I turn on the microphone and say ‘What are you doing? “I have to be respected even when I’m not at home.”.
“They turn 4 on December 23 and they are very cute”The actress and presenter concluded.
Remember that Luciana Abreu is also a mother lyuncy e Yannias a result of the previous relationship with janick charlatan. Youngest daughters born of marriage, however ended, with Daniel Souza.