In “Gosha,” Catarina Sampaio, a former Big Brother rival, makes unexpected discoveries about the darkest moments of her life. Find out more here about the curveballs life still has to take…
Catarina Sampaio was the contestant who was evicted from the Big Brother competition last Sunday. The former competitor today reveals his life story with unprecedented revelations
The former competitor started talking about her professionBecause he works “with the dead in the cemeteries,” as stated in the presentation published by VT on the day he entered the most guarded house in the country. He said, “Our work is to organize everything that is paperwork, everything related to the cemetery.”
He worked in Switzerland, Holland and England, always looking for a peaceful life. However, in England, he witnessed the most dramatic episode of his life. After sleeping on the street for 5 days, he chose to share a room with a couple. Exclusively for Ghosheh, he spoke for the first time about the attempted rape of which he was a victim and the dark times he lived on the street. Find out everything here!
About the relationship with Catarina Miranda, Fafi's competitor stated: “It was love at first sight”. Catarina Sampaio reveals that the arguments against the opponent were real and not an act: “That's all I have (…) I like to argue and I like to say what I think. Regarding her former colleague, Ghosheh’s guest, she says: “She tried to make people lose focus (…) She was chosen very well for someone like me.” Watch Sampaio's full words about Miranda here:
Catarina Sampaio is 35 years old, born in Fafe to a very poor family. Her childhood was marked by financial difficulties, which prompted her to start working early. Her mother is her hero for being a warrior. The former competitor started working at the age of thirteen to help her family:“Before going to school, my mother would sew a shoe bag for us (…) I saw my parents facing a lot of difficulties.” At the age of thirteen, he left school to work in a factory. Watch the moving testimony here:
Regarding her childhood, Katarina says: “My childhood was not a happy one (…) It was complicated because I had the role of the daughter and I had the role of my mother's best friend and I had to hear things (…) that were not easy for me to hear.'
Catarina Sampaio left home before she had the chance to share her life story. Exclusively, in an interview with Ghosheh, she spoke for the first time, with tears, about the attempted rape of which she was a victim, and which not even her mother knew about:“It's something I decided to reveal today (…) No one knows, not even my mother knows. You will now know (…).The former competitor also revealed during the conversation that she was actually living under a bridge, when looking for opportunities outside the country: “I slept in the street for 5 nights (…) I had some blankets (…).”
Regarding the attempted rape, Katarina explained that she had lived with a married couple for a while: “I found a house with a couple, she was always working at night and he was staying there. Her husband stayed there.” Regarding the man with whom she shared the house, Katarina revealed something dark: “I felt from him that there was some harassment (…) I expected her to come home at five in the morning so that I could enter the house without her.” I also realized why I was afraid to tell her and that she wouldn't want me at home anymore (…) Until one day he entered the room and tried to rape me. “I started screaming (…) It was lucky for me that on the same night he had to come home early, so he heard the keys and punched me.” Watch the former competitor's painful post here: