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Learn tips to reduce your risk of breast cancer

Learn tips to reduce your risk of breast cancer

Rio Grande do Sul is one of the states with the highest infection rates in the country

With the advent of October, the campaign begins Pink Octoberan international movement to raise awareness about breast cancer, one of the diseases that most affects women in Brazil and the world. The goal is to raise awareness about the importance of prevention, early diagnosis, and adopting healthy habits that can contribute to reducing cases of this disease.

Photo: Freepik / Porto Alegre 24 hours

According to National Cancer Institute (INCA)Breast cancer is the most common type among Brazilian women, after non-melanoma skin cancer. It is estimated that in 2023 alone, there will be more than 74 thousand new cases in the country. node Rio Grande do SulThe disease also has a significant impact More than 5 thousand cases estimated annually, making the state one of those with the highest infection rates in the country.

Prevention tips and healthy habits

Although hereditary and hereditary factors are associated with the onset of the disease, there are a series of attitudes that can be adopted to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Experts highlight the importance of habits that enhance public health and increase the chances of early diagnosis. Check out some tips:

1. Practice physical activity regularly Staying physically active is essential for preventing many diseases, including breast cancer. Activities such as walking, running, dancing and weight training, performed for at least 150 minutes a week, help maintain hormonal balance in the body and strengthen the immune system.

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2. Eat a balanced diet Choosing a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains helps maintain weight and reduce the risk of cancer. Avoiding processed foods, which are high in sugar and saturated fat, is also an important measure for overall health.

3. Maintain the appropriate weight Obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer, especially after menopause. Therefore, maintaining weight within healthy standards is an effective way to prevent disease.

4. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and smoking Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking are known risk factors for the development of several types of cancer, including breast cancer. Reducing or eliminating consumption of these substances is an important preventive measure.

5. Conduct preventive examinations regularly Breast self-examination is a simple procedure, but it does not replace regular clinical examinations. Women over the age of 40 should have regular mammograms, as directed by their doctor. Early diagnosis is one of the greatest allies in the fight against the disease, as it greatly increases the chances of cure.

In Brazil, breast cancer is responsible for approx 17 thousand deaths annuallyLate diagnosis is one of the main reasons for the high mortality rate. node Rio Grande do SulThe numbers are worrying, too. According to recent data from State Department of Healththe state has an infection rate higher than the national average, with approx 68 cases per 100 thousand people.

This high rate reinforces the need for campaigns such as: Pink OctoberWhich aims not only to raise awareness among the population about the necessary care, but also to ensure expanded access to diagnosis and treatment.

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Awareness is the best way

Pink October is an opportunity for all women, and men too, to reflect on the importance of prevention. Adopting healthy habits, conducting preventive examinations, and disseminating information are essential to reducing the impact of breast cancer on society. Moreover, the support of family, friends and healthcare professionals is essential to face this battle.

Remember: The earlier breast cancer is detected, the greater the chances of recovery. Taking care of your health is an act of love and prevention.


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