A few days before the death of Queen Elizabeth express too much concern On her health, the pictures showed a large bluish-green spot on the king’s hand.

Feedback: – Totally lose it
After the Queen’s death on Thursday last week, Charles became king in a minute, and once again it was the King’s hands that caused the eyes of many to widen.
It’s certainly not the first time Charles’ red, swollen fingers have attracted attention. In 2020, photos also abounded around the internetwhich made many worried.
compared to sausage
Now many people have taken to Twitter to respond to the king’s fingers, which are now being compared to sausage.
One Twitter message – which currently has nearly 250,000 likes – reads: “Whoever can take the ring off his finger will be the next king, like Arthur with the sword in the rock.”
Do we believe NEWSWEEK Is this also an inside joke within the royal family. When the king turned 70 in 2018, Prince William joked that he hoped he would “stop writing letters with sausage fingers” and instead visit his grandchildren more often.
Now the eternal joke was dragged even further.
On Tuesday, New Zealand-based Avons Butchery posted a photo of the sausage named after King Charles. This was reported by many media, including Australian News.
Seller: On Tuesday, the New Zealand Butcher posted a photo of a sausage named after King Charles. Photo: screenshot from Instagram
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in story Instagram They shared a picture of the sausage called “King Charles Sausage Fingers” – King Charles Sausage Fingers. The comment reads:
“Limited quantity,” followed by a skull and a laughing emoji.
– a sign of aging
Daily Star Talk to Dr. Gareth Nye about what could be the cause of King’s swollen fingers.
Nye explains that there are “many different causes” that can be the cause of swollen fingers, but some are more likely than others. It highlights edema or fluid retention as possible causes.

Not allowed: turn around
Edema is a condition in which the body begins to retain fluid in the extremities, usually in the legs and ankles, but also in the fingers, causing them to swell, the doctor told the Daily Star.
He also told that edema is a common condition and that it mainly affects the elderly.
Other causes of swelling could be arthritis, a high-salt diet or medications that affect blood pressure. However, Nye stresses that there is nothing to worry about.
There are no immediate health problems caused by swollen fingers, and most likely it is a sign of his advanced age.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”