Today we present how we can restore people’s freedom, said in a statement issued by Boris Johnson before today’s press conference.
Johnson used the press conference to prepare Britons for the next step in reopening – phase four – which will be approved on July 12. In this case, all three will come into effect from July 19.
At the same time, Johnson noted that no decision has yet been made.
– Johnson said that the epidemic is not over yet, noting the sharp increase in cases of infection in recent times.
The reopening is taking place despite warnings from British experts and researchers.
The British Medical Association (BMA) urged the government to maintain some restrictions, citing an increase in cases.
British fans cheer in the streets after the victory over Germany on June 29.
Photo: Matt Dunham / AP
Support England!
Johnson was previously expected to say something about the ongoing European Football Championship.
About 200,000 people are expected to visit the UK this week.
The semi-final match between Denmark and England and the final of the tournament will be held at Wembley Stadium in London. The European Commission has asked the European Football Association (UEFA) to think carefully about what to do in the two matches.
It wasn’t until the end of the press conference that Johnson was asked how he saw the potential for the upcoming battles on British soil to become so-called “super-dispersal” events.
My advice to everyone is to support England enthusiastically, but in a responsible way. Johnson says the events at Wembley clearly have some aspects, and will insist that testing rules be enforced.
Then the government’s chief medical adviser, Chris Whitty, noted that the risk of widespread uncontrolled infection is greater in accidents that occur indoors.
Recording: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson held a press conference on the planned reopening of the country.
Living with the virus
In a statement sent before the press conference, it was said that people should “begin learning to live with the virus” and “show judgment” in daily life. Johnson is asking Britons to think about when the next step in reopening, if it does not happen in the coming weeks, will happen.
Repeat several times that opening up will be more dangerous after summer, when people are more together indoors.
“The alternative is to open up until winter, when the virus has an advantage, or postpone it until next year,” Johnson says.
Boris Johnson received the second dose of the Corona vaccine from AstraZeneca/Oxford University in early June.
Photo: Matt Dunham/AFP
Removes mandatory bandages
Johnson on Monday presented a 5-point plan that will ensure that Step 4 of reopening can take place in a controlled manner. Johnson reiterated several times that the main factor in this regard is vaccination.
Johnson says they will therefore reduce the time between the first and second vaccine doses for people under 40, from 12 to 8 weeks.
The UK was among the first countries to start vaccination in December. According to Johnson, about 64 percent of the adult population is now fully vaccinated.
At today’s press conference, it also became clear that the next step in reopening means that wearing a face mask will no longer be mandatory. It will still be recommended in some situations.
In addition, legal restrictions on the number of people who can be Semites in social contexts have been removed.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was blindfolded when he visited the Nissan plant in Sunderland before the weekend.
Photo: Jeff J Mitchell/AP
– Can reach 50,000 daily infections إصابة
The delta variant accounts for nearly all new cases of infection in the UK. Infection in the country is now at its highest level since January this year.
On Monday, 27,334 new cases of infection were reported. The increase from June 29 to July 5 was 53 percent compared to the previous week.
Johnson warned on Monday that the UK could get into a situation of up to 50,000 new daily cases, if the current trend continues.
“We have to realize that there will be more Covid deaths,” Johnson said on Monday.
More than 128,000 deaths from the pandemic have been recorded in the UK.
Only Russia has more deaths than in Europe. The British are on their way out of a third period of lockdown, but some restrictions remain.
Johnson had initially planned for a full reopening from June 21, but that had to be delayed due to an increase in infections in the country as the delta variant gained a foothold.
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