In 2020, it was Harvey Weinstein, 70, was sentenced to 23 years in prison Charged with rape and sexual assault of two women. he is too Accused of a number of other violationsA trial is now underway against him in Los Angeles.
– This is the worst nightmare I’ve ever had
Jennifer Seibel Newsom, 48, who is married to California Gov. Gavin Newsom, 55, is the fourth woman to testify in the ongoing trial.
Newsom was visibly moved during her explanation and choked back tears as she spoke about the supposed incident.
– My first reaction is that it would expose someone to unnecessary pressure, possibly a trigger, says Rannveig Kvifte Andresen to Dagbladet.
She is the general manager of Dixi Ressurssenter, which works with victims of abuse in Norway.
Application to simulate orgasm
New York Post He came up with new details from the courtroom and, among other things, Newsom is said to have been asked to simulate an orgasm during his testimony.
The reason is that she told the court that she “made noise” to get Weinstein to climax – with the intent of ending the abuse.
Designed to look like Weinstein
Newsom reportedly became visibly uncomfortable when the court asked her to reproduce the sounds she made.
– This isn’t “When He Met Her”. I don’t,” she said, referring to a scene in the 1989 film in which Meg Ryan’s character (60) simulates an orgasm in a restaurant.
Can create triggers
– My first reaction is that this is to expose the person who has suffered from it to an unnecessary burden, Ranvej Kvifty Andersen tells Dagbladet.
She is the general director of the Dixie Resource Center, a show for those who have been abused.
We know that many of those who experience severe trauma after abuse have many different triggers. The most obvious is the one that directly reminds of abuse. Then you can go into a stress-alert reaction, Andersen says.
She does not know that this has happened in Norway. Although the purpose of asking someone to simulate an assault is to obtain as much information as possible, she believes it is an unacceptable method.
– I understand that the police should ask detailed questions during the interrogation. But I really hope that this will not happen in Norwegian court cases. She says being in court is hard enough.
I had to describe the genitals
The 48-year-old’s first testimony in the case It came on Monday of this week. She was then asked to describe Weinstein’s physique – something that was a recurring theme throughout all of the victims’ testimonies.
Hard on Angelina Jolie
The reason is said to be because Weinstein previously suffered from a bacterial infection that led to an abdominal operation in which he had to have his testicles removed. Thus, the victim’s description of his stomach could be evidence that they are telling the truth.
– Lots of bruises, marks, yellow-green, lots of stretch marks on my stomach, not in good physical shape at all. It looked like it hadn’t been circumcised and looked weird, kind of fishy looking, this penis. “Something deformed in the testicles, a lot of skin there,” Newsom said on Monday.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”