After being diagnosed with coronavirus in March 2020, Jason Kelk, 49, from Leeds, England, fought for his life.
A match he lost now, 14 months later.
it’s a Sky News Who writes today that the 49-year-old, they also describe the person in the country, who has been fighting the Corona virus for the longest time, has died.

Corona virus 13 months ago
– brave
Klick was rushed from the hospital to a nursing home on Friday morning and died with his family huddled around him.
His wife, Sue Clak, wrote in a Facebook post: “It is with a very sad heart that I must share the sad news of Jason’s passing peacefully at 12.40am.”
To Sky News, she described her husband as brave because he “didn’t want to live like this anymore”.
– He was my companion. We were like two opposite sides of the same coin – different, but united, she told the newspaper.
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For over a year, Kelk has been admitted to the intensive care unit at St James’s Hospital in Leeds. At worst, it was Bedridden for ten consecutive months, before in April he could go for a short walk with a treadmill.
In May, Kelk experienced new developments and greatly improved.
Then the 49-year-old became so in shape that his wife began planning his return home.
But then came the relapse.

Sent home from hospital – dead
She then stated that she feared her husband had given up, and noted that, among other things, he was constantly entering and losing consciousness.
– She said he was more confused now, had fainted and lost consciousness several times, adding:
– I don’t think he trusts himself anymore. He seems to have given up. It’s really hard.
On Thursday of this week, she wrote that her “dear husband had suffered another setback” in her long battle against and infection with the Corona virus.
To the Yorkshire Evening Post, she said it was important for a man to do so on his own terms.
– She adds that it leaves many people completely deprived.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”