Roy Santos is just leaving SIC. The station in Paço de Arcos confirmed to MAGG that the journalist and sports commentator announced on Monday, October 25, that he had left the news channel of the Impresa group, where he was the author and central character of the “Tempo Extra” program. “.
“Roy Santos has confirmed his departure from SIC Notícias today, so he is no longer part of the channel’s commentators committee and ‘Tempo Extra’ will not be broadcast tomorrow.”, Presented by the official source of the Empresa Group. The journalist must now head to CNN Portugal, which begins broadcasting on November 22.
MAGG reached out to Roy Santos to get a reaction, which has not been possible until now. From the Media Capital group, there are no comments either.
The 61-year-old sports journalist and commentator has been working for SIC since 2004. TV7 Dias reported on Saturday, although there was no confirmation, that Rui Santos was headed to CNN Portugal. To MAGG, SIC confirmed that the journalist had been informed that he had received an invitation from Media Capital Group.
“SIC Notícias is aware of the competition’s invitation to Rui Santos, which has been sent to us himself, but is not aware of the final decision of the commentator, which will be pending until next Tuesday”, Paço de Arcos station advanced.