There are those who argue that a daily dose of alcohol is good for the heart. However, an article published in JAMA notes that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption to reduce the risk of infection heart disease or high blood pressure.
The research included medical data from nearly 400,000 people, with an average age of 57, who submitted their health and lifestyle information to the UK Biobank database.
When studying the data using Mendelian randomization—a methodology that attempts to identify causes among different variables—the scientists found no real cardiac benefit of alcohol consumption, even if done in a moderate manner.
The study indicates that the risk is small if people consume an average of seven drinks a week compared to non-alcoholic drinkers. However, it increases as quickly as the level Consumption grows.
For example, a middle-aged individual who does not drink alcohol has an estimated 9% chance of developing coronary heart disease – blockage of the coronary arteries that feed the heart muscle. For those who drink a day, the chance is 10.5%.
For heavy drinkers consuming up to 14 drinks per week, characteristics such as smoking less, exercising more and weighing less, were able to keep the risk at a level still considered low. When consumption exceeds 21 servings per week, the risks become very high.
“We have to start thinking about these moderate periods and informing patients. If you choose to drink, you should know that after a certain level, the risk increases exponentially. And if you choose to drink less, you get some benefits if you go into the seven drinks a week range. Krishna Aragam, MD, a cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and author of the study, told The New York Times in an interview.
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According to the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC), cardiovascular diseases are some of the leading causes of death in Brazil. According to the Foundation, most deaths can be avoided or postponed with preventive care and curative measures.Peter Dazely / Getty Images
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For BCS, prevention and appropriate treatment of risk factors and heart disease may be sufficient to reverse serious conditions. For this, it is necessary to know how to identify and treat the main symptoms of cardiovascular problems, if you present with any of muratdeniz / Getty Images
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Among the cardiovascular diseases that cause more deaths, cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) stand out. It is caused by fatty plaques blocking the blood vessels in the brain. Symptoms include: difficulty speaking, dizziness, difficulty swallowing, weakness on one side of the body, among others.KATERYNA KON / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Getty Images
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Atherosclerosis is a disease caused by hardening of the arteries that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the body. This condition obstructs blood flow and causes the patient to feel weak, tired and have chest pain. In addition to its association with the aging process, the disease can be caused by high cholesterol, genetics, diabetes, and high blood pressure.Katlehu Sesa / Getty Images
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Cardiomyopathy is another serious heart disease. The disease, which leaves the heart muscle inflamed and swollen, can weaken the heart so much that a transplant is necessary. Symptoms of the disease include recurrent weakness, swelling, and fatigue.Solstock / Getty Images
*** An illustration of the organs inside the human body
Myocardial infarction occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is cut off for a prolonged period. A lack of blood in the area can cause serious problems and even tissue death. Obesity, smoking, high cholesterol, and a genetic predisposition can all cause the disease. Among the symptoms: chest pain lasting for 20 minutes, tingling in the arm, burning in the chest, etc.KATERYNA KON / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Getty Images
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Heart failure is one of the most common and serious heart diseases. It is characterized by the inability of the heart to pump blood to the body. The disease causes fatigue, difficulty breathing, weakness, etc. Among the main causes of the disease: infections, diabetes, unhealthy habits, muratdeniz / Getty Images
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Peripheral arterial disease, like most heart disease, results from the formation of fatty plaques and other substances in the arteries that carry blood to the lower extremities of the body, such as the feet and legs. High cholesterol and smoking contribute to the problem. Symptoms include sores that do not heal, erectile dysfunction, and swelling on the body.Manosabon Kasusod / Getty Images
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Caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses from other parts of the body that migrate to the heart and infect the endocardium, an illness that can cause chills, fever and fatigue. Treatment of the disease depends on the condition of the patient, and sometimes it may call for surgery.FG Trade / Getty Images
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Myocarditis due to inflammation of other heart muscles can cause heart failure, abnormal heartbeats, and sudden death. The main symptoms are chest pain, shortness of breath, and an abnormal heartbeatPeter Dazely / Getty Images
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In addition to common symptoms of both cardiovascular disease, excessive tiredness without an apparent cause, nausea or loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, swelling, chills, dizziness, fainting, tachycardia and a persistent cough can be signs of heart problems.Peter Dazely / Getty Images
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According to the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC) Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Guide, despite some specific cases, it is possible to prevent heart problems by maintaining good eating habits, exercise, and mindfulness.Andresser / Getty Images
Previous research reported that drinking moderately heart protection From observational data, moderate drinkers have fewer heart disease than heavy drinkers.
However, this type of research is only able to determine the association and not the cause. for this reason, The Mendelian randomization method is more suggestive of causation, which gives more weight to the results now obtained.
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