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“Integrating sustainable design and technology is fundamental to the adoption of renewable energy sources.”

“Integrating sustainable design and technology is fundamental to the adoption of renewable energy sources.”

Architect Rita Gomez won the European Sustainable Energy Award in the Women in Energy category. Edifícios e Energia highlights that this distinction demonstrates that its project is “on track to make a significant impact in the field of sustainability.”

The European Sustainable Energy Awards honor people and projects that stand out for their innovation and commitment to energy efficiency and renewable energy. For Rita Gomez, this award “represents validation that our efforts are aligned with the EU objectives in terms of sustainability, creativity and inclusion, showing that we are on the right track to make a significant impact in this area.”

After winning the Women in Energy category, the architect warns that “working in the energy sector as a woman has its challenges.” This is because, as Rita Gomez says, “ Women continue to face stereotypes about their roles and capabilities in technology, leading to their undervaluation in technical and strategic discussions.

But she decided to turn these obstacles into opportunities “to make significant contributions. The award pays special attention to women's contributions and supports equal opportunities in innovative projects in the energy sector.”

Created by architect Seenergy last year, A start Which “represents the culmination of ten years of experience in the field of architecture and a commitment to finding solutions for design “Exclusive sustainable products, integrating renewable energy systems into decorative furniture,” says Rita Gomez to Edifícios e Energia.

At Seenergy, we design furniture pieces that look traditional, but have something special: they are able to store and convert sunlight into an energy source. but how? The magic is in the dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) embedded in furniture and art pieces, which mimic the process of photosynthesis in plants, where green chlorophyll converts light into sugar for the plants. In this case, these colored cells convert light into electricity.

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There is another peculiarity that should be highlighted. Furniture pieces do not have to be exposed to direct sunlight, unlike regular solar panels, which means that these products can also be used indoors. “This combination of design Technology allows us to develop aesthetically attractive products that enrich living spaces, but also effectively contribute to reducing the carbon footprint,” says the architect, adding that the integration between design And Sustainable Technology: “Aesthetics play a crucial role in the acceptance and adoption of renewable technologies, which are products that combine functionality with function design The general public is likely to embrace it, and this synergy is crucial to addressing today's environmental challenges and ensuring a sustainable future for future generations.

As for the future, Rita Gomez does not hide the fact that Seenergy has ambitious plans, in the medium and long term. Over the next two years, the focus will be on enhancing the production and marketing of products. “This period includes the completion of the prototype and the start of manufacturing of several technical pieces, in addition to partnering with companies in the sector and distributors to expand market reach.” In the long term, the dream is to expand the project to the international market, improve the efficiency and aesthetics of the pieces and ensure that they are affordable for consumers' wallets. Rita Gomez concludes with the desire to explore new applications of this technology in architecture, construction and urban furniture, in order to “democratize access to energy from solar sources.”