The Municipal Health and Sanitation Department, through its Health Surveillance and Endemic Disease Coordinators, held a meeting today with Endemic Disease Control Agents (ACE) to present the dengue epidemic scenario and present the action plan for 2022. For the surveillance health coordinator, Taynná Vacaro, it is time to align strategies for this year Regarding the fight against dengue fever.
According to the data presented, Sorriso is on alert regarding the epidemiological scenario due to the increasing curve in the number of dengue cases. “We counted more than 1,900 positive cases, with more than 4,000 notifications, in addition to the fact that we finished 2021 with a caterpillar rate above 5%, and the percentage recommended by the Ministry of Health is up to 1%,” explained Tina. .
According to her, many neighborhoods are on alert, with very high rates, including in rural areas, which indicates mosquitoes are migrating inland. “We are in the middle of the rainy season, with peak rainfall and sunshine, which is the ideal mosquito breeding scenario. We are intensifying measures and drawing residents’ attention to basic care, such as cleaning their homes and lands. Only by joining forces will we be able to fight dengue fever,” he asserts.
According to Environmental Monitoring Coordinator, Diogo Martins, new mechanisms to control the Aedes aegypti mosquito are being discussed. “We finished 2021 with a very high number of cases and we need to reduce those rates at the beginning of 2022. And for that, we are looking for ways to improve work, identify critical points and work in a more systematic way to fight dengue. Our goal is to create a systematic process of data mapping, to make the process integrated. The work of environmental monitoring is primarily preventative and educational work, we rely so much on the cooperation of residents to help us in this process,” Diogo highlights the importance of residents receiving home visits from endemic control agents (ACE) in a role.
“Today we are discussing strategies for controlling dengue fever across the entire city territory. Our team is committed to reversing this scenario that is multiplying every day and agents are central in this process to bring information to residents and bring the truth about the neighborhoods visited, but for that it is essential that residents do their part. Last month, we implemented a task force to look for outbreaks and realized that the population’s concern about Covid-19, in general, led to a lack of interest in dengue fever, which led to an increase in the number of cases,” confirms Assistant Minister of Health and Sanitation, Devanel Barbosa.
Just News (Photo: Consultant)