Home World If the dictator wants to attack, his chance is slim. South Korea will shoot first.

If the dictator wants to attack, his chance is slim. South Korea will shoot first.

If the dictator wants to attack, his chance is slim. South Korea will shoot first.

South Korea's president said Monday that war could break out at any time.

Currently, Americans and South Koreans are training to defend themselves against North Korea's nuclear force.

If war breaks out, South Korea will shoot first. Then they will go after the leader of the neighboring country – Kim Jong Un.

South Korea is the fifth most powerful military force in the world. They are now training for attacks from their neighboring country.

Short version

Tens of thousands of soldiers began annual joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea on Monday.

“War can break out at any time.” He says South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol on Monday called North Korea “the most cruel and irrational country in the world.”

Allies You should practice What they call “realistic threats” such as missile attacks, GPS jamming and nuclear attacks from the North.

The North Koreans condemned the drills as provocative and aggressive.

South Koreans also find their neighbors provocative.

North Korea is armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons.

They already have about 50 nuclear warheads. appreciation It suggests they have enough uranium and plutonium to produce more. The communist dictatorship also has large quantities of chemical weapons. The country may also have the ability to produce biological weapons. Its missile systems can reach targets throughout South Korea and much of Asia.

The United States should not feel safe either: North Korea is one of them. eight countrieseight countriesUnited States, Russia, China, France, India, United Kingdom, Israel, North Korea. Source: Wikipedia who have intercontinental missilesintercontinental missilesIntercontinental ballistic missile. An intercontinental ballistic missile with a range of at least 5,500 kilometres. Often designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons. In his arsenal.

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Meanwhile, the totalitarian one-party state is among the poorest in the world. The majority of the population lives below the poverty line. But not at all the country's elite, led by Kim Jong UnKim Jong UnKim Jong-un was probably born between 1982 and 1984. He rules North Korea along with a small political and military elite. He is the youngest son of Kim Jong-il and the grandson of the country's father, Kim Il-sung. He is the subject of a huge personality cult. .

The fifth largest military force in the world

Arch enemy in the south South Korea It is being evaluated. As one of the most democratic countries in the world, it is higher on the list than countries like the United States, Belgium, Spain and France. The country has so far stuck to conventional weapons. But in return they have huge amounts of these.

South Korea In the rank The fifth most powerful military power in the world after the United States, Russia, China and India. After the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the country has also become a major power when it comes to exporting advanced military equipment.

The United States has 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea. The two countries have a mutual defense agreement and conduct regular joint military exercises.

Threats don't bother most people.

North Korea has threatened, at irregular intervals for the past 30 years, to turn the South Korean capital into a “sea of ​​fire.” But many residents of Seoul, a city of one million people, It can no longer be displayed. From the constant verbal attacks from the North, threats of war, and testing of new missiles and weapons.

Those responsible for the country's security can only take the necessary precautions.

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The country's current defense strategy is based on a three-stage concept that begins with what is called the “kill chain” – that is, the attack chain or the “kill chain.” It is humiliating, costly, and Disputed.

1-2-3 Defense Strategy

Step 1: Kill Chain is about discovering and actually hitting North Korean missiles. before They were expelled.

The first stage involves monitoring signals that the enemy is about to launch missiles. Not least of all, the place of the supposed launch. Satellites, drones and radar systems are used for this purpose.

The second of five South Korean spy satellites was launched from Florida in April this year. The satellites can detect objects as small as 30 centimeters, which are important rings in

You then need to identify the type of threat and get confirmation that it is indeed related to an imminent attack.

Then comes the decision to attack the launch site with missiles and other means before firing on the North Koreans.

Step 2: The KAMD air defense system must deal with any missiles that are not stopped in this way. It must be able to shoot down missiles, drones and rockets at any altitude, and includes the American Patriot air defense system.

Step 3: The final step is to respond mercilessly. First and foremost against Kim Jong-un, his family and other leaders, including by deploying special forces. The strategy is called KMPR (Korea's extensive punishment and revengeKorea's extensive punishment and revenge“Korean sanctions and retaliation are extensive”). A massive, overwhelming attack from the South will strike not only the dictator and his closest aides, but also the bunkers and the entire military command structure. The capital, Pyongyang, is threatened with being leveled to the ground.

But will the plan work?

Against his purpose?

The three-stage plan has generated much controversy in South Korea. Questions have been raised about whether a first-strike strategy is morally justified and whether a third-stage move might seem a bit excessive if North Korea had not actually planned a full-scale attack.

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Supporters say the offensive plan is intended to deter Kim from attacking. Others believe it will only make North Korea feel the need to rearm further.

Analysts have also raised doubts about whether such a plan has become obsolete due to new technology. North Korea is said to have carried out such an operation in January. a test A new system of underwater drones. It should be able to carry nuclear warheads.

Demand for dialogue with the North

Relations between the North and the South have hit a low point since Kim declared in February that the southern neighbor is the country's number one enemy.

South Koreans are prepared for war, but at the same time they do not rule out the possibility of reunification of the two countries on the Korean peninsula in the future. On Liberation Day, August 15, President Yoon For the benefit of to start new talks with North Korea. There was no response from Kim.

A poll shows declining interest in reunification among South Koreans, especially among the younger generations.

North Korea fires first if…..

North Korea’s threshold for using nuclear weapons first in any conflict has become lower. A 2013 law states that the country can use nuclear weapons to deter invasion or attack by a hostile nuclear state and to carry out retaliatory strikes.

A new law from 2022 goes even further. Now there is a chance of a first nuclear strike if North Korea detects an imminent attack with weapons of mass destruction, or an attack of any kind directed at the country’s leadership and nuclear forces.


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