How Drake’s song was used by Google to insult Apple Telephone

How Drake’s song was used by Google to insult Apple Telephone

a The Google use music Texts turn greenreleased by rapper Drake last Friday (17), to provoke An apple Because there is no RCS technology in Iphone. The protocol is considered the “SMS of the future”. .’s official profile Android He issued a tweet on Saturday (18) arguing that an unofficial video was needed to “explain” the song – and on top of that, he tried to convince An apple To join RCS on their mobile phone.

The joke was possible because Drake’s words refer to what happens when you send a message, via iMessage (the official messenger of Iphone), for someone else banned or not in the Messenger iOS. The bubble around the letter is no longer blue, but green.

iPhone Message Screen – Photo: Catarina Bandera

Among the users who are not blocked but who use different operating systems, the bubble appears like this because the exchange of messages is via regular SMS. This way, the option uses your phone plan credits to send, and also doesn’t have additional iMessage features — like the ability to send videos, for example.

But what is RCS anyway?

RCS is an acronym for Rich Communication Services, something like Rich Communication Services. Message exchange protocol is an evolution of short message service. It first appeared in 2007 and is now used in The Google Messaging, the iMessage equivalent app in the universe Android.

The features are very similar to the official messenger of Iphone, such as sending media such as videos, GIFs and emojis; end-to-end encryption; And the consumption of the Internet to send messages, other than SMS, which have a specific tariff.

The feature was controversial earlier this month due to an ad surplus. a The Google Need to deactivate Posting ads via RCS in India after receiving complaints from multiple users.

The remote control system (RCS) has not been used by mobile operators in Brazil, which means that it has little impact here. So far, there are no expectations for its adoption in Claro, TIM and Vivo networks.

What would change in Drake’s music if it was Iphone Use RCS?

The big point in the joke made by The Google In the Twitter Is this if Iphone Using RCS as a messaging protocol in iMessage, users Android he is from iOS Can chat through the application with the right to all functions.

with information from the edge And the Android Police

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By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."