How do we know if we are living in a computer simulation

How do we know if we are living in a computer simulation
  • Melvin M
  • Conversation*

Color photography shows people in a mall and white matrix-type figures floating throughout the environment

attributed to him, Getty Images

Illustrative image,

Information physics suggests that reality is made up of tiny fragments

Physicists have long tried to explain why the universe appeared with the right conditions for life to develop.

Why do the laws and constants of physics take on exactly the defining values ​​that allow stars, planets, and ultimately life to evolve?

Dark energy, for example, which is the expanding force of the universe, is much weaker than theories suggest, allowing matter to clump together rather than fall apart.

The common answer to this question is that we live in an infinite multiverse made up of multiple universes. So it wouldn’t be surprising if it turns out that at least one of these universes is similar to ours.

By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."