Home entertainment Horoscope. Predictions for the period from July 8 to 14, 2024 – Current

Horoscope. Predictions for the period from July 8 to 14, 2024 – Current

Horoscope. Predictions for the period from July 8 to 14, 2024 – Current

Sun in Aries

From March 20 to April 18

Your spirit is in tune with the spirit of summer and you will find yourself inclined to express affection, especially from the 11th onwards. Some Aries find themselves trying to achieve material goals and in the absence of results they will feel frustrated. In this area of ​​​​projects, stick to what you know is right, keep good company and follow the examples of those you love. Do not waste your energy on indecision. Being with family will bring experiences to the natives of this sign, making an effort to maintain a sense of freedom and harmony among everyone at the same time. As the weekend approaches, new experiences will awaken a sense of originality and freedom.

Sun in Taurus

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From April 19 to May 19

The 8th and 9th will be emotionally challenging with your sense of purpose, children, or intimate relationships. The 10th will be more stable. On the weekend, you will be in groups with very rebellious ideas, or you will be inclined to have experiences outside the scope of status. You should be careful with hasty moves and unpredictability. Slow down and think before you act. You may also be inclined to spend a lot of money recklessly or even get very lucky in games of chance. At best, your weekend will be innovative and transformative, at worst, it will be accident-prone. In the area of ​​relationships, maintain a friendly attitude and stay away from complicated situations, while maintaining a spirit of simplicity.


From May 20 to June 19

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The Ten will focus on achieving something with mastery and perfection, which will bring a certain amount of challenge. Results will be achieved by reaching the Twelfth with the feeling that the task has been successfully completed. Some Geminis struggle with the meaning of the work they do for the world and society. If they do not feel that what they are doing has a greater motivation, they can become frustrated. However, they are still at a stage where they have the conditions to shine! On the personal and professional front, you may have to deal with conflicting people, and you should consider leaving it to an external, neutral authority. In personal relationships, avoid open confrontations on controversial topics.

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From June 20 to July 21

Cancers still have a birthday streak and should be congratulated while bathing on the beach and in the lakes of this world. Be careful with strong currents, there are very strong astral energies at the end of the week. Later Cancers will have unexpected attractions for unexpected people, as paths cross with original, creative and irreverent people. Friendship will also be intensely experienced. The issue of groups and the collective will be greatly emphasized, and you should be open to the feelings and needs of others. At the weekend, you will be at an impasse, in an emotional dilemma, between following the crowd or your intuition. Find balance. On the 14th, you will feel harmonious and with a full heart.

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From July 22nd to August 21st

On Monday the 8th, you will have a clear identity and want to do something special and creative. It will be a good week to express yourself in the world. Be careful not to have a very focused perspective, which may include others in your amazing day. Those who are getting older should be careful about conflicts in different areas of their lives, as their mood is more acidic. In the area of ​​relationships, it is time to think about how to nourish yourself and where to look for nourishment for yourself. Some think too much about the beloved and too little about themselves and others seek attention where they should not. On the weekend, be careful with risky environments and if you feel unwell, you should seek support.


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From August 22nd to September 21st

Some Virgos feel like they are on the battlefield, in a constant state of conflict, which is why exhaustion is adopted as a middle name. This week will begin the process of thinking about these last times. You must make sure that your desires are realistic and that part of your thinking will be in this direction. On the 10th and 11th you will feel the need for purification and there will be conditions for an internal and external cleaning process. Later on, Virgo will have good surprises in the material sphere and in the sphere of earthly pleasures. New experiences are in the pipeline. In relationships there will be a feeling of continuity.

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From September 22nd to October 21st

A week of joy and affection for Libras! The heat will help you enjoy a well-deserved vacation and by the water, you tend to relax. However, the last decade should be careful with unexpected events or strong financial arguments due to conflicting values ​​or disagreements. The stars indicate some crises that arise from unpredictability. It is advisable to take an attitude that anticipates the possibility of small misfortunes, such as carrying a mobile phone with a battery, in case you need to make urgent calls. In general, this is a phase in which you project your life in a far-reaching way, with optimism about the goals to be achieved. Saturday the 13th, you will be in your element, with the willingness to give yourself to others.


From October 22nd to November 20th

You find yourself in a circle of decisions that can change your life and are difficult to make, because they require a lot of choices. In his emotions, he tends to be with others and experience their relationships intensely. Some Scorpios will be prone to instant and intense attraction, which leads to a lack of judgment and unpredictability. Be aware that the flame can be one of those who “touch and run”, so try not to do anything you might regret. When faced with obstacles, think carefully about what you could lose if you take certain actions or positions. Wait before acting rashly and you will see that everything will work out well. Those who are later in life should be careful about conflicts when living in a group.


From November 21 to December 20

Some Sagittarians are ready to float in the energy of love and enjoy the good things in life. The stars point to good moments of intimacy, full of good conversations and questions. Others remain on the battlefield, fighting for what they want to achieve, and feel the need to motivate themselves, which will not always seem easy. But creativity will flow and ideas will succeed, and you will reach the end of the week with a positive balance. This is an amazing surge of potential energy where much can be achieved. Later, Sagittarians will experience real surprises in the area of ​​affection and family life, and feel a sense of mission, of something that demands achievement.

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From December 21 to January 19

This week holds great potential for you, when it comes to your dreams, not only on the material level, but also on the emotional and family level. The energy present is very participatory, with diverse relationships, which include new friendships and people of great authenticity. On the weekend, new experiences have everything to expand your field of vision, whether from a fun perspective, or even from a spiritual or philosophical perspective. In the area of ​​intimate relationships, there are warnings against imposing too many restrictions on the other person. Invest in your inner development, put some limits on your actions and your relationships will develop.


From January 20 to February 18

For some Aquarians, this will be a week full of affection and relationships filled with good spirit. Others will find that relationships are a real battlefield, and they need to protect themselves from unnecessary negative events. On the professional level, Aquarians have everything that makes them feel that things are not progressing as they would like, and they must be flexible and discern the steps they need to take in the desired direction. In relationships with managers or authorities, they must remain discreet. The weekend will be marked by amazing conversations. Later Aquarians should equip themselves with a cautious and unhurried attitude, whether in relationships, leadership, or in environments they find unsafe.


From February 19 to March 19

This is not a time for conversation, with strong barriers to communication and a tendency to be uncomfortable. It is a good time to spend time in familiar environments, where you feel welcome and comfortable. There is a creative spirit that should be channeled into the home environment. Expect a weekend with QB energy spent, enough to enjoy, dive and spend time in the sun. There is a loving energy in the air, which can benefit your intimate relationships. The astral energies indicate some unpredictability during the weekend, and an attitude of some caution and precaution should be maintained in the face of potential dangers, especially on the road and in environmental issues.


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