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Hockey: Benfica beats Luz and draws in the final against Porto

Hockey: Benfica beats Luz and draws in the final against Porto

Benfica tied for a five-game National Hockey Championship final on Wednesday, defeating FC Porto 5-2.

After defeat in the opening match of the series, at the Dragao Arena, the Eagles took the field under pressure, and they became even more under pressure when Carlo Di Benedetto scored to make it 1-0 for the Blue and White, four minutes later.

After that, it was practically every Benfica team.

Carlos Nicola equalized in the 11th minute before converting shortly afterwards from the penalty spot. The second half opened with a hat-trick for the Argentine, with another goal from a penalty kick.

Game movie.

FC Porto entered the game again in the 38th minute, when Telmo Pinto reduced the score to 3-2, but Gonzalo Pinto and Ze Miranda almost immediately hit back against rivals Porto and claimed the final 5-2.

With the final draw, the series now heads back north: FC Porto will host Benfica in the third match next Sunday, June 23, starting at 3pm.

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