The first Super Moon of this year will take place next Tuesday, April 27th.
according to Lisbon Astronomical Observatory (OAL), This supermoon occurs when the moon is in a full moon phase and at a lower distance from the planet Earth is less than 110% of the perigee of its orbit.
“On Tuesday the 27th at 04h32 (Lisbon time) the moon will be in the full moon phase, and it will reach perigee on the same day at 16:22 (357,377.973 kilometers from Earth), and the two events are just out with each other at 11:50 a.m. The 27th of the month, the moon rises at 9:06 pm in the degree of 70 degrees, calculated from south to east.At that time, the moon will appear larger than usual, not only because of the occurrence of the super moon, but also because it is closer to the horizon, the more Zoom in, which is just an optical illusion.The super moon is found in the constellation Libra and above the triangle of spring formed by the stars: Arcturo, Espiga, and Régulo. Mars will be above the western side in the constellation of Gemini, as shown in the figure below. , The moon will rise at 10:25 pm and will continue to grow larger than usual, ”explains the Lisbon Astronomical Observatory.
The second giant moon of this year is slated to be on May 26. On the same day, a total eclipse of the giant moon occurred, around 12:00 noon, but its observation would not be possible due to daylight.
In the past year there have been three super moons: in March, April and May. This year, there will only be two.
Until the end of the month, there are meteor showers from Lyrids.
Lyrids are associated with dust remnants left by the Comet Tatcher Passage. When these particles enter our atmosphere, they cause a “meteor” or “meteor” phenomenon. The name of this meteorite results from the effects of its stars that seem to us to emerge from a point in the constellation of the Lira.
Also in April, the planets will be visible to the naked eye. This is the case with Mercury, starting on the 24th, at dusk, or with Venus, which has been visible since Wednesday. Mars can be seen during the early part of the night. Jupiter and Saturn at dawn, both are in the constellation Capricorn.
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