Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by Leptospira bacteria, transmitted mainly through the urine of infected animals, and rodents are the main vector in urban environments.
In 2022, 104 suspected patients with the disease were reported in Maceió. Of these, 44 notifications were confirmed after epidemiological investigation, and 10 patients died of leptospirosis, resulting in a mortality rate of 22.7%.
Under this scenario, in addition to expecting an increase in the number of cases during the rainy season, which lasts until August, Side de Maceo issues a warning to the population to be aware of the symptoms of the disease and to adopt prevention habits. at home. It also guides health professionals towards early diagnosis and timely treatment, which reduces disease exacerbations and mortality.
The Epidemiology Coordination reported that individuals with fever, headache, and body aches (mainly in the calf region) who were exposed to some risky situation for the disease such as contact with flood water, flood, mud, potholes, sewage, garbage, rubble, etc. He also confirmed that these symptoms are very non-specific in their initial stage, and it is very important to collect a diagnostic test to close the case. Health units are ready to take care of users.
Technician from the Department of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases and Conditions Surveillance, Claudia Rodarte, highlights key points about leptospirosis that residents should be aware of.
“Keep your home and living areas clean and free of things that may attract and harbor rodents. Store your food properly, never leave bins open and your pet’s feed should not be exposed for extended periods as it will also act as food for rodents. Avoid contact with water suspected of being contaminated, especially in Areas where flooding occurred.If symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately, and report exposure to dangerous situations and at what period this occurred.He explains that early treatment helps prevent complications from the disease.
service channels
If there are signs of rodents in your home, residents can contact Surveillance by calling (82) 3312-5495 Seek a visit from the vector control team for examination and treatment.
It is also possible to anonymously report abandoned land or homes to the Sustainable Development and Urban Cleaning Authority (ALURB), via WhatsApp (82) 98802-4834.