The goal is to feed a database and develop prevention, diagnosis and treatment procedures
WWith the aim of feeding a database and developing prevention, diagnosis and treatment measures for cancer cases in Rondonia, the state government has a team visiting municipalities along BR-429, in the Vale do Guaporí. This event brings together community health agents, nursing and laboratory professionals to provide guidance on the correct notification of new oncology cases. On June 4 and 5, the team was in the municipalities of Costa Márquez and São Francisco do Guaporí. Between June 6 and 7, the group will be in Serengueiras and São Miguel do Guaporí, respectively.
This procedure was developed by the Rondonia State Health Surveillance Agency (Agevisa/RO), through the State Cancer Surveillance Coordination Group. The group was formed by the State Coordinator of Cancer Surveillance and responsible for the Population-Based Cancer Registry (RCBP), Mauricio Marinho, specialist in public health, with a focus on the Family Health Program (PSF), nurse Luzanera da Costa Moraes, Regional Director of Primary Health Care in State Department of Health (Sisao) VG Paraná, Roseline Xavier.
The Director General of Agevisa/RO, Gilvander Gregorio de Lima, instructed the team to also bring together, whenever possible, leaders who exercise some kind of influence in their communities, for example, priests and priests, to direct people to regularly carry out preventive examinations that can prevent the development of Cancers such as breast, cervical, prostate, and other types of tumors are the most common. He pointed out that community health agents are the professionals closest to communities and who know the health history of each family. They are essential elements in cancer surveillance in the work of collecting and maintaining information about the incidence of cancer in the state. .
According to the State Cancer Surveillance Coordinator and Responsible for the Population-Based Cancer Registry (RCBP), Mauricio Marinho, since the establishment of Cancer Surveillance, just over two years ago; About 1,000 cases of cancer that were not known in official data were reported.
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