Physical exercise is part of medical recommendations to maintain motor independence. All types of exercise are beneficial. But one of the most effective exercise practices to keep fit is Dance.
a DanceOur body’s response to music stimulates a person and contributes to his balance and thus his relationship with the environment and society, which makes his health more sustainable. Quality of life.
Dancing is useful in health Preventatively, providing non-pharmacological treatment to patients, as already described before Sciences. Due to its beneficial effects on the psychological, physiological and social levels, dancing is a way to maintain motor independence, cognitive ability and emotional well-being, which contributes to slowing down aging.
Roundtable for this 2 Workshop We will look at Dance And its impact on health and on Quality of lifeWith a focus on neurodegenerative diseases, fall prevention, physical therapy, psychological illnesses, and the importance of promoting dance as a public health measure, without forgetting dance’s stimulation of brain chemistry, as a source of pleasure and well-being.
Entry is free, but registration is mandatory.