Hackers demand more than 600 million bitcoins after computer attacks – E24

Hackers demand more than 600 million bitcoins after computer attacks – E24

Coop Sverige’s cash register system crashes after a computer attack. Hundreds of companies around the world have been affected, and now their computer systems are held hostage. President Joe Biden says Russia is not suspicious.

Attack: The hacker group Revil has confirmed, among other things, that Coop in Sweden should remain closed.

Sasha Steinbach/EPA وكالة


The hacker group Revil is suspected of being responsible for the computer attack that affected a number of companies worldwide.

The accident occurred on Friday night, bypassing the boxes on self-examination and the manned boxes. Coop has recommended closing all stores in Sweden, but chain stores in Norway are not covered by the issue at the moment as they have another payment resource.

He adds that the hacker group is now asking for $70 million, or about 600 million kronor to launch computer systems Reuters, which refers to a message the group supposedly posted on the dark web.

According to the same source, this will be the first time that Revil has publicly announced and taken responsibility for such an attack.

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Bitcoin settlement required

Friday’s computer attack will be one of the most dramatic in a series of similar incidents, according to Reuters.

The hacker group allegedly hacked Kaseya, an American software company, and allegedly used the company’s assets to set off a chain reaction that quickly paralyzed the systems of several hundred companies.

– I think this was bigger than they previously thought, says Alan Liska of computer security company Recorder Future to Reuters.

The FBI said they would Accident investigationand that the range is so large that they “would not be able to follow every single victim”. Anne Neuberger, the US National Security Adviser, issued a statement from President Joe Biden stating that the president encourages anyone who was the victim of the attack to contact the FBI.

“We are not sure who is responsible, but we do not immediately suspect Russia,” Biden confirmed yesterday, according to Biden. New York Post.

Satnam Narang, an analyst with cybersecurity firm Tenable, wrote on the microblogging service Twitter that it appears that more than a million computer systems have been affected, and the hacker group is demanding a settlement in bitcoin.

Part of the global IT attack

Cooperation in Sweden is Among the companies using KaseyaIn Norway, Coop uses EG Retail systems.

Yesterday’s book They assumed that services would be up and running again within the next 24-48 hours. The company further assumes that about 40 of its 36,000 customers are affected, but still maintains that all servers are shut down until a solution is found.

The breakdown of the system stems from the fact that one of our suppliers has been attacked by a hacker. Our view is that the attack was not directed at Coop, but we were also affected, said Therese Knapp, a spokeswoman for Coop in Sweden when the attack became known.

On Friday night, there were also reports of IT attacks with ransom demands affecting at least 200 US companies.

The attack comes as Americans enter the weekend where they will celebrate their Independence Day, July 4.

“This is a massive and extremely devastating attack on supply chains,” said John Hammond of security firm Huntress Labs. Watchman.

Ransomware hacking expert Brett Kalou stated that he is not aware of any other large-scale ransomware attack. He compares it to the SolarWinds attack in December, when a number of companies and government agencies in the United States were attacked.

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All Coop stores in Sweden closed after hacker attacks

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By Bond Robertson

"Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer."