Graduated students in China: – The pictures are making a fuss

Graduated students in China: – The pictures are making a fuss

Millions of young people around the world are graduating from university this month, and so they have good reason to celebrate.

It seems that this is not the case for all recent graduates in China, according to reports Watchman.

The traditional images of happy students throwing their caps and robes in the air have now been replaced by images of students lying on the ground or throwing their diplomas into the trash.

The images, which have been circulating on the Internet, indicate that 11.6 million Chinese students are about to enter a tough job market.

It was reserved for the elite

On Thursday, youth unemployment reached a record high for the second consecutive month as post-COVID-19 economic growth begins to slow, he writes. British newspaper.

The unemployment rate among Chinese people aged 16 to 24 rose from 20.4 percent to 20.8 percent in April, according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics.

China's allegations behind

China’s allegations behind

Although university education was once reserved for the elite, enrollment numbers have increased in recent decades.

This is because young people have viewed the certification as a ticket to a better job in the competitive Chinese market.

Get rid of the certificates

Over a ten-year period, between 2012 and 2022, the country’s university enrollment figures rose from 30 percent to 59.6 percent, according to China’s Ministry of Education.

Higher education has become especially popular due to the pandemic. This is because many students have chosen to continue their studies rather than looking for work due to the economy in the country, The Guardian writes.

Instead of celebrating their college degrees, many now choose to give away their degrees and say their study time was a waste.

By Bond Robertson

"Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer."