This week, Fundação Estadual do Acre (Fundhacre) Hospital held the delivery of new chairs for nursing care in the centers and the medicine room.
“The purpose of the delivery is to increase enthusiasm for nursing professionals, who work in the field of patient-oriented care, and the goal is to provide workers with greater comfort and convenience during their activities,” said Fundhacre Acting President, Duciana Araújo.
For nurse Angelica de Oliveira, who has been working for five years in care, within the hospital wards, it is a feeling of gratitude for all of the management’s efforts towards the workers.
“This care of us is very good. With the new chairs, we will feel more comfortable when we carry out the patient’s prescription and planner. In gratitude for all the management’s commitment to providing the best to the hospital servers,” the nurse said.
The acquisition was made through private resources for an amount of more than 800,000 Brazilian riyals.
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