For the first time in seven years, overall employee satisfaction – Human Resources – is declining

For the first time in seven years, overall employee satisfaction – Human Resources – is declining

The seventh edition of the Study of Organizational Climate and Development of the Human Capital Excellence Index reveals, for the first time in seven years, that the level of global employee satisfaction is declining after an upward trajectory, even during pandemic years when this growth is high. recorded residual.

The results of the seventh edition of the Index of Excellence show that global satisfaction is declining compared to 2021, and is now at 70.3% (about -4 pages). This decline has been generalized in the four dimensions of analysis, although it is more expressed in “climate” and “people management”, and the contribution of small and large firms. On the other hand, medium-sized companies experienced a slight increase in the overall level of satisfaction of their employees.

In its seventh edition, the study developed by Neves de Almeida HR Consulting in partnership with ISCTE Executive Education analyzes and highlights good people management practices that, in an ever-growing technological panorama, also serve as a basis for alerting the business community about the trends and importance of human value in an increasingly digital world shaped by forms of work new ones that require, in an uncertain context and constant adaptation, the preparation of individuals and organizations.

Analyzing in detail what led to this decline in the level of general satisfaction, Goncalo de Sales Amaral, partner at Neves de Almeida Human Resources Consultancy, states that this decline is tangentially manifested in all areas of analysis (organizational dynamics – managerial practices – climate – people management) , being more expressive, in the order of -6 to -8 pages, in climate and personnel management, in which the punishment given to employees involved in topics related to compensation and benefits, as well as in the talents of personnel management (performance evaluation, jobs and development) is greater than in previous years , due to the greater sensitivity in the context of high inflation, ”says Goncalo de Sales Amaral.

In this sense, and with regard to organizational initiatives, employees are promoting compensation and benefits as priority investment areas for this year 2023, followed by training and job management, in line with what was revealed last year. In addition, there is an increase in the order of initiatives to implement the review of performance appraisal forms and processes, in order to enhance the transparency and clarity of the relevant standards.

Among the participants practicing hybrid work, the level of satisfaction with it increased compared to the previous year, with an average of 90% satisfaction, with some concerns about the effect of this method on inner vision and career progression. Training of managers to manage mixed teams remains positive, as do feelings about the impact of this system of work on productivity, quality of life, and business performance.

By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."