Facebook to end Australia blocking news release

Facebook to end Australia blocking news release

EFE reports that Facebook announced on Tuesday that it had decided to block news publishing in Australia in response to a bill on February 18 to force sites to share content produced by local media.

That was explained in a statement on social networking Agreed with the Australian Government on “Continuous Changes and Guarantees”, Which will allow for continued investment in the “public interest journal” Reset messages on Facebook for Australians In the coming days “.

Last week the US multinational company canceled the profiles of news pages carried out without prior notice Widely criticized By the media, activists and the Australian government.

Treasury Office President Josh Friedemberg and Australian Communications Minister Paul Fletcher announced on Tuesday that Canberra’s executive would be introduced. New fixes We need to “give more clarity to digital sites and the media” on this controversial bill being debated in Parliament.

The bill, which was approved by the House of Representatives last week and reached the Senate this week, requires companies to reach it. According to the media To Pay them for creating messages In accordance with the monetization of links published on the platform.

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The ministers explained today that the amendments would take into account whether the digital platform had “made a significant contribution to the stability of the Australian information media industry” and establish a one-month notice to the arbitration process.

“The code maintains its main functions, i.e. it is a Mandatory code. The world’s leading index, “Freidenberg told reporters in Canberra, negotiated the deal with Facebook with the media” in good faith “.

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By Greg Vega

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer. Extreme travel aficionado."