The Lisbon Stock Exchange closed higher, prolonging the positive sentiment it had been feeling in recent sessions. The PSI-20 Index rose 0.4% to 5.530,68 Point, the highest value since August 13, 2018, i.e. in more than three years maximum. The star again was BCP, shaken by European bank gains.
The bank led by Miguel Maya witnessed a series of practically streak of gains for two weeks, as this Tuesday it was valued at more than 3.1% 0.1661 Euros per share, supported by the sector, which also rose 3.3%. In this period, BCP has accumulated a 35% increase and each title is now close to €0.17 played in May of this year.
At the same time, the hashrate also performed positively in the session. Sonae, in daily values, reached its maximum values for December 2019. It ended up closing 2.78% to 0.9415 euro, while rival Jerónimo Martins increased 1.43% to 18,035 Euros per share. CTT, Nos, Novabase, and Pharol were also estimated.
In the opposite direction, the energy alternates. EDP fell 0.18% to €4.52, EDP gave Renováveis 1.14% to €20.84 and Greenvolt fell 0.85% to €5.82. In the field of oil, Galp Energia lost 0.73% to €10, in a corrective move, despite the rise in raw material prices in global markets.
The biggest loss, though, was Ramada stock, which fell 1.36%, while Altri stock fell 1.23%. Cortesira Amorim, Navigator, Rin, Mota-Angel and Simaba were on the red side as well.
Despite the positive performance, Lisbon lagged behind strong gains in Europe. The Stoxx 600 is up 1.19%, and along with banks, technology has also helped post a gain of more than 2%. Germany’s DAX advanced 1%, France’s CAC rose 1.52%, Spain’s IBEX 35 rose 1.45%, and Italy’s FTSE MIB rose 1.85%.
(news updated at 17:00)