EDP Comercial announced Wednesday that it will cut the energy prices it charges its customers by 2.5% effective January 11th. This new discount only applies to the amount in euros to be paid for each kilowatt-hour consumed and not to the total electricity bill.
At the moment, according to the price simulation of the Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos (ERSE), the electric company sells energy for about 15 cents per kWh, in the case of an electricity tariff (100% renewables), to a family with two children, with contracted card 6.49kVA, at a small price for new customers with refunds and discounts already in place.
According to an official source at the electricity company, this decision was made “after analyzing the network access tariffs published by ERSE.”
Likewise, the fact that “the final tariff terms differ from those announced in the October proposal” also influenced EDP’s decision – which was the only supplier to announce 3% average increases in electricity bills for 2023 -.
For this reason, “EDP Comercial decided to reduce the tariff,” the same source provided.
Thus, for purposes of comparison with the differences announced by other suppliers in the market, EDP Comercial will reduce capacity by 2.5% effective today, January 11th.
It should be noted that Iberdrola was the company that announced the largest price cuts for 2023, in the range of 15%, followed by Galp, with tariffs down by 11%.
For the regulated market, ERSE reported a rise in bills of exchange of 1.6% between December and January.
(News updated at 6:10 p.m. with more information on the EDP tariff offering)