3 minutes after the alarm center was notified, the drone with defibrillators was in place. This is the first time a person in Sweden has received a life-saving device using a pacemaker flown by a drone.

Emergency doctor Mustafa Ali was on his way to work when he saw an elderly man falling. A woman tried to bring him back to life.
I immediately suspected a heart attack. It turned out to be true. He started CPR and asked the woman to call an ambulance.
3 minutes later, help came from a hospital in the Swedish town of Trollhättan. Flying in the air, consider: a drone with a defibrillator.
After life was saved on site, the patient was sent to the hospital. Now out:
“This is a revolutionary technology that should be implemented everywhere,” said the 71-year-old student. Swedish radio channel P4.
For the first time in history
The accident occurred on December 9, 2021. This is the first time a person has been rescued in Sweden using a defibrillator flown by a drone, he writes. Aftonbladet.
The drone was developed by Swedish software company Everdrone. Now it is in great research project Which aims to reduce the ambulance response time in the event of cardiac arrest outside the hospital.
This is an excellent example of how Everdrone’s innovative drone technology can make it easier to access defibrillators, says Mats Saleström. Yahoo Finance. He is the CEO of Everdrone.
According to the company, their drone arrived before an ambulance arrived 94 percent of cases. The drone solution is constantly being improved.
About 275,000 patients in Europe suffer cardiac arrest outside the home each year. 70 percent of these occur in private homes. The chance of survival decreases dramatically with each passing minute after a collapse.
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