deaththe quintessential first-person shooter from id Software, will turn 30 in 2023. In addition to being one of the most influential games of all time, it has become notorious for being easily adaptable to almost any device known to man.
Over the years, hackers have managed to escape death On unexpected devices, such as automatic loot boxes, pregnancy tests, printer screens, and the Macbook Pro’s Touch Bar, but one researcher was able to view the game on a screen composed of… bacteria.
Hackers and curious people have already done this death It works on almost everything, but new research is over (Credit: id Software/ZeniMax Media/Microsoft)
death that it coli bacteria: Everything to see?
a seek Written by Lauren “Raine” Ramlan, PhD student in bioengineering at MIT It is another case of the hacker inspired by the spirit of doing something just to see if it is possible. However, this was based on previous studies, Which appears to have new applications for the use of malleable bacteria.
The chosen one in this case is an old acquaintance Escherichia colior coli bacteria, is present in the digestive tract of almost all warm-blooded animals on the planet. Although some variants are harmful, most strains are harmless, and because they are simple organisms, they are often used in a wide range of experiments.
One of these studies, published In 2020, it consisted of programming the circuit used in calculators in the DNA of an E. coli colony to display the numbers 0 to 9 on a 7-segment digital display. Ramlan relied on this study to develop his own study, which aimed to transform bacteria into…pixels.
The principle is very elegant: using the same concept as the bacteria calculator, E. coli is set up to display luminescence when activated, on a 48 x 32 or 1536 pixel display, making it a 1-bit display, since there are only 1 and 0 options for each bacteria, in and out.
As you can see, the experience does not consist, by and large, of operation death Directly from E. coli bacteria, Ramlan admits that such a process is inconceivable, but using bacteria as pixels is “simpler.” The game’s display area was then condensed into the same 48 x 32 pixel grid, but without the tonal nuances. It may seem crude, but the process itself is incredible.
The result can be seen in the video below:
The speed at which the frame is displayed depends on the speed at which the E. coli bacteria lights up and turns off, recalls Ren Ramlan. It takes 70 minutes to reach the highest point of luminosity, and the cycle or frame lasts 8 hours and 20 minutes. This means it takes 25 hours to render 3 frames, with the average refresh set to 2.88 frames per day, or frames per day.
The researcher made the calculations, and stated that, based on A Being in death At normal speed, which takes about 5 hours, it would take bacteria about 599 years to display the entire game content, frame by frame.
Ramlan states that measures could be used to speed up the pixel lighting process, for an update that would make the method useful in some applications, but in any case, the experiment involving DOOM shows that a 1-bit display powered by bacteria could come to fruition and become viable in the future.
30 years of classic
After hitting stores in 1993, death It was an improvement over everything John Carmack, John Romero, and the id Software team had done in the classic game Wolfenstein 3D, released a year ago. Although the game that introduced BJ Blazkowicz is today considered the “grandfather” of FPS games, it was the first title in the Doomguy saga that established almost all of the conventions of the genre.
After the additional chapter is issued Spear of Destinyid began working on the next title, as most wanted to continue working on the series WolfensteinBut Carmack was interested in something new, still within 3D environments, using a new engine he was creating.
After id co-founder Tom Hall’s proposal for a new game in the series was rejected Commander KaneCarmack joined forces with the ideas of Romero and fellow co-founder lead artist Adrian Carmack (note: he and John are not related), for something darker and more violent.
John Carmack then founded the new project, which would use the same 3D shooting theme as Wonfenstein 3D, in a plot involving technology vs. Demons, based on campaigns Dungeons and Dragons Which the studio team used to play with.
The project, originally called Green and angrychanged its name to its current name as a reference to Scene Tom Cruise’s character in the movie Color of moneyby Martin Scorsese.
In a recent Twitch stream, Romero and Carmack, facilitated by writer David L. Craddock, the formerTouchArcaderecall the details and pitfalls of the development of the original chapter of deathfrom how critical they were of their work, to the confidence they had in the final quality, enough to believe it would sell well even “packed in a bread bag”, but they still felt proud of the cover and marketing campaign from the game.
today death It is an FPS creator, producing two series, a reboot series that not everyone enjoys with the paths currently taken, and two films of questionable quality, as well as being a reference for almost everything in the genre that came later, and while it’s an old look by today’s standards, it’s still a lot of fun. , thanks to the crazy genius minds of the original id Software team.
Although Carmack no longer develops games today, preferring to invest his time and technical knowledge in the development of VR and AR, he is proud to have worked with Romero and to have been part of a team of crazy nerds who loved tabletop RPGs. and Rocket and Games, which changed the industry forever by creating some of the most influential titles of all time.
From the left. Right: John Carmack, Kevin Cloud, Adrian Carmack, John Romero, Tom Hall, and Jay Wilbur, the original Identity Software gang (Credit: John Romero/personal Collection)
Maybe this is what the industry is missing: crazy people with crazy ideas.
source: destructive
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