In the final segment of “Goucha” on Wednesday, March 2, Manuel Luís Goucha promoted a conversation with Bruno de Carvalho who will run most of the program tomorrow.
“It’s a conversation that was recorded, not edited, and nothing was taken from the conversation. I asked all the questions I wanted to ask, there was no requirement for Bruno de Carvalho and nothing was cut short from the answers.‘, explained by the presenter.
In the set of photos released at the end of the programme, former Sporting boss Manuel Luis Gocha asks: “Did Bruno ever think he was messing with Liliana? Let’s be clear: I already assumed that stolen kiss was a stolen kiss, and I didn’t see anything questionable there.“.
Over the “grabbing” the back of the neck From Bruno to Liliana Almeida, the presenter said: “Honestly, I thought that when the two of them were talking in bed, the tightening of her neck did not indicate violence, but perhaps an oppressive gesture. Can I exaggerate?“.
The photo pact ended without any response from Bruno de Carvalho, and for this very reason, Manuel Luis Jocha explained: “The answer is only tomorrow. Answer all questions tomorrow only. I should thank you for trusting me, because you never spoke to anyone else before“.