Do you know the most important scientific promotion agencies in the country?

Do you know the most important scientific promotion agencies in the country?

Written by Joanna Rocha – Published on: April 3, 2023

Surely you’ve heard about some SDAs. CNPq, Fapesb, Capes, Finep are among the examples we can mention. But, do you know its purpose, how it works, and what is its importance and contribution to the development of scientific research in Brazilian universities?

At the outset, it is important to know that development agencies are considered institutions or entities that aim to develop the country by granting funding for research, science, and technology. Resources seeks to assist researchers in purchasing equipment and consumables that will contribute to research production.

The work developed by funding agencies is not limited to universities. Sectors such as industry, commerce, agribusiness, tourism, and information technology are examples of areas that can be strengthened. One of the main criteria used in awarding grants is the public interest.

behind the abbreviations

Capes: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel is an institution linked to the Brazilian Ministry of Education engaged in the expansion and consolidation of higher education narrow narrow (Masters and PhD) in all Brazilian states. Among its features is the evaluation of graduates narrow narrow and investments in training high-level resources in the country and abroad and in creating and enhancing initial and continuing training for basic education teachers. Find out more on the Capes website.

CNPq: The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development is an agency of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) that aims to promote scientific and technological research and training of human resources for research in the country through grants through public notifications. The Council also funds scholarships for researchers, such as the Productivity Scholarship, and also has funding lines for doctoral and postdoctoral scholarships abroad. Find out more on the CNPq website.

Fapesb: Foundation for Research Support of the State of Bahia is an agency to stimulate and promote scientific and technological research and innovation in Bahia, associated with the Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti). Founded in 2001, the Foundation aims to support scientific, technological and innovative projects that are considered relevant to the scientific, technological, economic and social development of the state. Find out more at Fapesb.

Finep: Funder of Studies and Projects works throughout the innovation chain, focusing on strategic, structural and impactful actions for the sustainable development of Brazil. The main objective is to promote the economic and social development of the country through the public promotion of science, technology and innovation in companies, universities, institutes of technology and other public or private institutions. Find out more on the Finep website.

Academic Commencement at UESB Uesb has shares of Scientific Start-up Grants (CI) from two development agencies: the Bahia State Research Support Foundation (Fapesb) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). “By signing concession terms, the university receives scholarship quotas and thus increases the number of scientific start grants offered by the institution,” explains Clydian Vianna, Uesb’s Sub-Director for Research and Innovation.

Funding is obtained through the Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies (PPG) and the Department for Research and Innovation (GPI). According to Cleidiane, 261 UESB students benefit from Science Start grants from Fapesb and CNPq. Check the distribution in the table below:

However, the Vice-Chancellor points out that in addition to funding agencies, the university also funds scholarly commencement grants with its own resources. The institution currently has the Scientific Starting Scholarships Institutional Program (Pibic) and the Foundation Scholarships Institutional Program in Technological Development and Innovation (Pibiti).

Collaboration with development in the scientific field through the award of scholarships is essential to encourage students to have an interest in a research career, in addition to the valorization of science. Thus, Uesb recognizes the importance of development agencies and remains committed to increasing the number of its scholarships. “Our aim is to reach more undergraduates who receive a CI scholarship and to develop scholarly initiation activities under the guidance of professors, researchers and coordinators of research projects developed at the Institute, thus contributing to the growth of scholarly research at the UESB,” concludes Claydian.

Check out other surveys on the “Science at Uesb” website.

By Andrea Hargraves

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