Home entertainment Dilemma Poll! Find out who the nominees are this week 4 and vote in the Dioguinho poll.

Dilemma Poll! Find out who the nominees are this week 4 and vote in the Dioguinho poll.

Dilemma Poll! Find out who the nominees are this week 4 and vote in the Dioguinho poll.

Manuel Luis Gaucha was broadcast live on TVI, on Monday evening, July 29, to announce this week's nominees for the “dilemma

Zana Carvalho He accepted a direct appointment for 4 thousand euros for his team and Diana Lucas She was also automatically nominated after the application was voted on. Having said that, David Diamond, Igor Marchesi, Mafalda Diamond, and Rafael Bailau They were the most voted for by their peers.

Bernardina Brito was elected as the competitor with the greatest leadership spirit and faced a dilemma:Save a competitor on your team from nominations [Igor ou David] The purple team wins €1000 or saves a competitor from the opposing team. [Mafalda ou Rafael] The purple team wins 2000 euros.Bernardina decided to save one of her team members and Igor Marchesi was chosen.

Summary and conclusion, Xana Carvalho, Diana Lucas, David Diamond, Mafalda Diamond, and Rafael Bailau They are the candidates. Vote here In the survey (to save).

Remember that David Mesquita was the last contestant to be evicted from the reality show. Catarina Miranda and Elvio Santiago were the first.

Read also: Are You the Best Contender for 'The Dilemma'? David Diamond Reacts to the Message From Outside

Dilemma Poll! Find out who the nominees are this week 4 and vote in the Dioguinho poll.
Dilemma Poll! Find out who the nominees are this week 4 and vote in the Dioguinho poll.

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